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How Cloud Computing Can Save Your Business Money

Cloud computing symbol being pressed by handCloud computing has brought new and exciting opportunities for companies of all sizes. Small and medium-sized companies have seen benefits as the flexible technology allows them to compete on a global scale. They can now utilize technologies that were previously too expensive. Not only does cloud computing provide storage, software solutions and technology infrastructure, it can also help businesses minimise their costs.

Here we discuss 5 ways that cloud computing can help your business save money.

No need to buy servers

Previously, businesses needed to buy servers on which to run the certain business applications. This had to be managed internally causing a large investment in human resources. It also involved a substantial financial investment upfront and therefore made the software out of reach for small businesses.

Cloud computing gives access to some of the most powerful software solutions and infrastructure without the need to buy servers. Having applications streamed from the internet means small businesses can benefit from them, regardless of location.

This pay as you go style also avoids the need to invest in high-cost hardware which can boost your cash flow.


A major benefit to cloud computing is the flexibility and scalability it provides. With cloud computing, an IT administrator can simply log in to a software platform to manage licenses and user which saves a lot of time and investment.

Also, if you find yourself with a smaller workforce due to demand, you can simply amend your service plan with cloud computing, saving you money.

Staff Savings

The beauty of cloud computing is that it has provided many employees the opportunity to work remotely. Online storage platforms store company data. This means all the documents needed to carry out many jobs are accessible from anywhere and on any device. People are no longer restricted to working in an office. This can benefit both the employees who want flexibility but also employers. By offering flexible working perks to improve employees work-life balance, it can really motivate staff and boost productivity. It can also save money as some workers would happily sacrifice some of their salary if it meant they could work from home.

You also no longer need an in-house team of IT specialists to install, update and maintain all the software and servers or run backups. Paying a small monthly fee to your cloud computing provider instead eradicates the need for internal teams.

Updates are provided automatically

With cloud computing, you do not have to worry about updating the software as the provider will do regular updates on your behalf. This saves you from having to worry about spending time maintaining the system yourself. This frees up precious time to focus on other areas of the business.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Setting up a comprehensive Disaster recovery Solution internally can be a mammoth task. It could also take a lot of time and money to get the process right. The financial and effort outlay can be difficult for small businesses that sometimes lack both resources. A power cut or a data failure could be disastrous for a small company without a solid DR solution.

Cloud computing solution offer simple and effective DR solutions for most sizes of business and perform routine checks and backups for you. This provides peace of mind that data is accessible in an emergency and that it remains as safe as possible in the first place.

How ECL can help!
These are just a few of many reasons why cloud computing can benefit small businesses and help them save money. We have the ECL Private Cloud which is our own state of the art hosting platform and is perfect for small to medium sized businesses. If you are looking for a fully Hosted IT infrastructure, a Disaster Recovery plan, or just a basic on-line backup service, we can help. For further information on how your business can benefit from everything the cloud has to offer, visit https://www.computer-support-essex.co.uk/ecl-private-cloud.html or contact us on 01268 575300.

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